Friday, December 23, 2011


I have been trying to spend some time at night reading and praying because I can't seem to beat my children out of bed in the morning! The other night I was praying and listening to see if God would say something to me about my life. I have been feeling like a failure lately and it's been hard to see what God could find that's good in me, so I was expecting the worst. When I listened, God said, "perennial." I thought of my small flower garden and I know that a perennial is a plant that you put in the ground once and it returns year after year. In seeking God on what he meant by this word, "perennial" I started to dwell on what I know about perennials. I know that perennials cost more because they return year after year. I know that you need to be careful in choosing your perennials because, if they are going to return year after year, you want something you like to see. I choose things I really enjoy looking at or smelling if I am going to have it in my garden year after year. God said it again and this time I could hear what he meant for me to hear, "You are my perennial. I paid a price for you. I chose you and planted you once, forever, in the garden of my heart. I look forward to seeing you grow and enjoy gazing on you. I like your smell. I never get tired of seeing you. I want you around. I haven't changed my mind about you and what I have put inside of you I will use." Amazing. I went to God feeling like an outcast and he told me I am his forever flower. We serve a good God.

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